Saturday, November 27, 2010


We meet again...

Childish innocence and childhood friends!!!
One has come back to me today...

Those were the days when we were best buddies...
I couldn't imagine my life without her then... I hadn't even thought that there is any wildest possibility that I will leave my school and be separated from her... But my parents had different plans...

Then came goodbyes.. tears.. and lot more tears!
Promises of keeping in touch didn't remain strong enough..
we didnt know or hear anything from each other for 10 whole years...

And then Facebook reunited us.. Thank you facebook!
Today was beautiful... We can be the way we were before... I met her today!!!
These small things are enough to bring the biggest smile on your face.. :D


Thursday, November 25, 2010



Why does my heart ache tonight?
Why do I shed tears?
Why is every thought yours?
Why am I whispering your name?
Why do I have to listen to your voice everyday?
Why is their a void, when I don't?
Why is everything incomplete without you?
Why cant I just be.....?
Why am I so miserable?
Why is there this anger?
Why is there this fear?
Why are you not with me now?
Why do I love you so much, it makes me cry?
Why do I want to say so much, but I dont say at all?
Why have I lost rationality?
Why have I become so vulnerable?
Why cant I be Me... The way I used to be?
Why am I in love?

*** No offence to people in love..Including me..!! ;)


Wednesday, November 24, 2010


That Memorable Evening...

Warmth of my sweater
Warmth of your arms
Warmth in your eyes
Warmth of your breathe

Dark evening
Dark sky
Dark trees
Dark secrets in your eyes

Bright stars
Bright lights far away
Bright smile on your face
Bright moon I watch, lying down in your arms

Silent words
Silent confessions
Silent desires
In this silence yours eyes said it all...
And there was not so silent beating of two hearts!

That memorable evening...


Thursday, November 18, 2010


The Second Last Wait...

Posted in ,

8th Standard… 14 yrs old… the obsession began!!!
The crazy world of magic… of friendship… of risks… of values!
The land I lived in then & continue to live even now…
The world J.K.Rowling created...
The world of witchcraft and wizardy…
The world of Harry Potter…
I can never be thankful enough!

Those days began with the book in my hand. I would not part with it wherever I went…
In the school bus… In the short break… During the lectures, hiding under the desks.
Then during the lunch break… all the way till the end of the school… While on the bus
returning again!!!
Classes I attented… But when home again… It was behind the geography text book, the only
study book enough to hide the big, fat Potter novel!!! ;)
The days passed in mad haze…
Finishing the first book…
Waiting to lay hands on the next one…
The curiosity of what happens next, used to kill..

Then came Harry on Big screen.
Though it was no match to the descriptive novels…
They did what they could do the best!
The words put into action and images painted my imaginations as well.
Could I ask for anything more!

The release of book…
The release of movie…
The release of book…
The release of movie…
The release of book…

Booked the last part of the series… The Deathly Hallows…
The scene looked like this…
Waking up early in the morning.. as early as 4!!!
Walking all the way to the other side of the town…
Finally the sacred book being in my very own hands…
Starting the read at 5…
Few pages.. and Hedgewig dies…
Crying my eyes out at 7 in the morning!
Not parting with it for the whole day…
By the break of another dawn, I knew…
The Boy Who Lived wins…. He Survives…

The joy that washes over me…
Then leaves a grueling pain…
The feeling of “what I should wait for next?”…
The story is told…
The mystery is solved!

Then comes the flickering hope…
Three parts of the movie still remains…
Reading the books all over again…
Brushing up on the one before the release…

So I just closed the copy of Deathly Hallows…
Just before the release…
The first half of the last to come…
Harry Potter will always reign…
But this is just the SECOND LAST WAIT.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010


That's When I Miss You Baby...

You asked me..
Didn't I miss you?
And I wondered...
How should I tell you!

When I look at that moon shine so bright,
I miss you by my side...
And thats when I miss you baby.

When the morning sun rays touch my face,
I think of your warm embrace...
And thats when I miss you baby.

When I feel that whisperinf breeze,
Its like your breathe in my ears.. And I freeze...
And thats when I miss you baby.

When it rains and few drops meet my lips,
Oh honey... How it reminds me of your kiss!
And thats when I miss you baby.

When the stars twinkle in the night sky,
It reminds me of your lovable naughty eyes...
And thats when I miss you baby.

When am walking all alone,
And I know your heart is my destiny, my home...
And thats when I miss you baby.

When I look at my own reflection in the mirror,
I wish I knew what was that thing that made you fall for me, my dear...
And thats when I miss you baby.

When everything is silent and it kills,
with your memories and words my heart fills...
And thats when I miss you baby.

When with the crowd I laugh and play,
But I know its only you who is forever here to stay...
And thats when I miss you baby.

My every breathe is a sigh for you...
My every heart beat calls out your name...
So now you know,
I live every moment of my life...
And thats when I miss you baby.